March Meeting
Our meeting was supposed to be a paid presenter, unfortunately he had technical difficulties and was forced to reschedule. Doug Eaton saved the day by demonstrating a very unique flat square bowl. Thanks Doug. The following pieces were shown off by members of the club.
This was amazing-each successive smaller piece fit inside the larger one.
Yes, you may have guessed it, this is a turned bowling ball.
February Meeting
Member Ron LaRue gave a presentation on Simulated Woven Baskets. I was regrettably, out of the country for this, but I have seen Ron’s work and it something to see. Excellent.
January Meeting
Although Nora and I were not able to attend due to a power outage from the extreme cold, a few brave members endured. Brian, our president, gave a presentation on making and using faceplates. No one submitted any pics of his presentation, but there were pictures of two exhibits submitted. Dave Johnson submitted pics from a piece turned by Jacob Calamia. The piece is turned out of Jarrah and the finial is blackwood. Additionally Patty submited pics of Don Scotts “Globe”. Enjoy the pics.
Awesome segmented globe holder.
December Meeting
Our annual holiday get together brought out a good attendance with members bringing lots of goodies to munch on. We elected our officers for 2024 and the club web master gave a brief presentation about our web site. Below are some turnings from members- enjoy. If any member wants to have their own gallery on our site please contact the webmaster at:
November Meeting
Don Westegard performed a live demonstration turning a Square Bowl
Below are some turnings from members- enjoy. If any member wants to have their own gallery on our site please contact the webmaster at:
October Meeting
Doug Eaton performed a demonstration called Emerging Bowl.
Steve Whitford demonstrated basic top turning in preparation for our upcoming demonstration and display at the Hive. Interesting was the method of using guitar wire to burn in some linear lines for decoration around the circumference of the top.
INW Display and live turning at the HIVE
Doug Eaton presented a freshly turned bowl to WWII Corporal Jeff Neff, and trying to convince him to give it to his 98 year old bride (of 77 years) Bette. They were accompanied to the show by their daughter Nadine and son-in-law Paul Sturm.
August Meeting
John Fox gave an outstanding presentation on using the Beal System to apply a unique finish to your turnings. Below is a small sampling of pieces turned by club members.