January Meeting 25
The club sponsored an IRD by Ron DeHeer on mastering the skew. A link to the presentation will be available soon. Below are pictures of Show and Tell.
November Meeting
Don Scott demonstrated pen turning
October Round Robin Demonstrations
I believe everyone who attended this event would agree it was fun and a great learning experience. Below are some of the pictures that Nora and I had on our phones. Brian asked if others had any more pictures to post, but this seems to be it. My hat is off to the following Demonstrators:
- 1. Mariann Patton- (Liming)
- 2. John Fox- (Sharpening)
- 3. Ron Larue- (Various items)
- 4. Sam Frazier- (Coring)
- 5. Don Scott- (Top with a twist)
- 6. Tony Vigilante- (Clock)
March Meeting 24
Our meeting was supposed to be a paid presenter, unfortunately he had technical difficulties and was forced to reschedule. Doug Eaton saved the day by demonstrating a very unique flat square bowl. Thanks Doug. The following pieces were shown off by members of the club.
This was amazing-each successive smaller piece fit inside the larger one.
Yes, you may have guessed it, this is a turned bowling ball.
February Meeting 24
Member Ron LaRue gave a presentation on Simulated Woven Baskets. I was regrettably, out of the country for this, but I have seen Ron’s work and it something to see. Excellent.